




For general information about OpenStreetMap see the OSM-Wiki.


Taho.exe is a program to make bigger maps out of the 256*256 pixel tiles of OpenStreetMap, so that these can be used by GPS - programs as for example Glopus. For each program different sizes are best and in addition to the graphic file they also need calibration files to tell them which map is for which area. These calibration files are different from one program to the other. It can also be used as a downloader for vector-maps.

Taho.exe was originally a graphic front-end for It was used as a link between that and <>. The new version works now without and is thereby easier to install and more flexible. Hopefully will be integrated into the above mentioned export-site soon, so that this program will be useless.

After switching to Android I use this program rather seldom. So it is more important than ever, that you tell me about problems.

The program documentation can be read here

For downloading the program go to the german site: here


The program makes maps with or without tracks on them. The tracks must be available as GPX-Files. You can let the program do almost everything automatic, or change a lot of the settings by hand. It determines the area necessary to show the tracks, loads the raw-maps from one of the OSM servers and generates the maps. There are 3 formats as output:

  • html: Actually it is only a comfortable but limited way the use the „OSM SlippyMap Generator
  • Picture: the easiest output form, it produces a map with the tracks on them as a pixel-image.
  • Film: this was the reason to write this program. It produces a film which first zooms in from a overview area to that of the tracks. Then frame by frame it draws the route on the map.

Not all settings are necessary to produce all outputs, but the advantage of doing so is, that so it is easier to look at different outputs of the same tracks. You can for example use the HTML-output to control what the picture or film will look like, and if something is not OK, you can for example switch each GPX-track on or of to find the one who causes the problems.

More Information can be founf here, and an example here. (Tha map used in the film has the OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA) The quality of the map in this example is bad to reduce the size for the www. The maps produced by the program will be much better.


This is a Webtool from Norbert Renner which I use in a downgraded version with his agreement. The original version is available from GitHub. More informations there. My version is downloadable from here.


See here for more information and here to download it



The program is used to correct the date in GPX-Files which contain a wrong date by the GPS Week Rollover


For downloading the program go to the german site: here